Raffle! Win tickets to Pasadena Heritage Bridge Party

DPNA, proud sponsor of Pasadena Heritage Colorado Street Bridge Party,

Invites lucky raffle winners — and all others – to join us for a pre-Bridge Party reception at Picnik before an evening of fun on the Bridge.

Enter to win! Details below.



The Party:

Colorado Street Bridge Party, sponsored by Pasadena Heritage.

Pasadena’s biggest block party featuring a night of music, dancing, vintage cars, children’s activities, beverages and food. Saturday July 12th, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Day-of-Event Ticket Prices:  Adults: $18, Child: $9


The Pre-Party Reception:

The Downtown Pasadena Neighborhood Association invites you to a mixer at Picnik.

picnik-pasadena-22-300x139We are gathering for an informal meet-n-greet at Picnik, a  restaurant that is immediately adjacent to the bridge, on Colorado Blvd.  Enjoy mingling with old and new friends and neighbors, then walk a few steps to the party on the bridge.  No-Host Reception (order your own drinks/food from the restaurant, although there will be plenty of food & beverage on the bridge, too). When you arrive at Picnik, ask the host/hostess to direct you to the DPNA party or look for a sectioned-off area on the shady patio.

5:30-6:30 pm at Picnik, 168 W Colorado Blvd.


The Raffle:

Win a free ticket  to the Bridge Party.

To enter the contest, subscribe to the DPNA’s email newsletter at THIS LINK. The DPNA will raffle off 10 tickets.

Must complete and confirm the online email subscription form prior to July 8th. [extended to July 10th.]  Open to residents and stakeholders of Downtown Pasadena.



 Subscribe to the DPNA’s email newsletter to win a ticket to the Bridge Party!

Must be a Downtown Pasadena resident or stakeholder to win.